New to research? Explore the Library's Assignment Toolkit to learn all about the research process.
Start Here
Search the library's print and online resources to find books, ebooks, articles, recordings and more.
Here is a short guide to help you get started: Multisearch: A Quick Overview
The library catalogue lists physical items and ebooks purchased by the library.
Use Multisearch to search the library catalogue and online collections at the same time.
Google Scholar can be a useful search tool when starting your research, but it should not be the only tool you use. However, while you know you can rely on MTU library resources, it is up to you to make sure content you find on Google Scholar is safe to use for your assignments and research.
Did you know that you can link Google Scholar to the MTU Library so it always tells you when the full text of an article is available from the library
Visit the MTU Library website for more information on Google Scholar guide.
Searching the library's online resources is a bit different to searching Google. Here are some tips to get you started:
- List keywords for each of the main concepts or ideas in your research question
- What is the impact of global warming on Adelie penguins on the Antartic continent
- Enter keywords not sentences into the search box
- Join keywords using AND
- global warming AND penguins
- Use OR between words with similar meanings and put OR'd words in brackets
- Adelie penguins AND (global warming OR climate change)
- Use quotation marks to look for phrases
- Adelie penguings AND "global warming"
- Try searching with different combinations of keywords and see what works best.
- Use your search results to find new keywords
Things to think about when making your list of keywords
- Synonyms (words that mean the same thing)
- drug abuse, drug addction or substance abuse
- Acronyms (abbreviations)
- GP or General Practitioner, HSE or Health and Safety Executive
- Specialist language
- Word endings
- addict* will find addict, addicts, addicted, addiction, but child will not find children.
- Phrases (looks for words together and in order)
- UK vs American Spelling
- colour vs color, analyse vs analyze, centre vs centre
For more search help, check out out the Effective Searching Module of the Assignment Toolkit. and our Top Tips for Smarter Searching guide for more search hints
Information Sources For Classical Music
Rachmaninoff: Composer, Pianist, Conductor by Barrie Martyn
This study is the first to consider all three of Rachmaninoff's careers in detail. After surveying his place in Russian musical history and his creative activity, the author examines, with musical examples, each working chronological order against the background of the composer's life.
Call Number: 780.92
ISBN: 9781138268012
Publication Date: 2016
The New Grove Guide to Wagner and His Operas by Barry Millington
One of the most controversial figures in the history of ideas as well as music, Richard Wagner continues to stimulate debate whenever his works are performed. Drawing upon the scholarship of The New Grove Dictionary of Opera, the most comprehensive dictionary of opera in the world, Barry Millington offers a concise, portable survey and guide, which will make a welcome addition to the shelf of anyone who loves opera
ISBN: 9780195345513
Publication Date: 2006
Music, the moving image and Ireland, 1897-2017 / John O'Flynn. by O'Flynn, John, 1959- [author]
Music, the Moving Image and Ireland, 1897-2017 constitutes the first comprehensive study of music for screen productions from or relating to the island. It identifies and interprets tendencies over the first 120 years of a field comprising the relatively distinct yet often overlapping areas of Irish-themed and Irish-produced
Call Number: 781.54209415
ISBN: 9781138561779
Publication Date: 2022
Use Multisearch to find journals and ejournals.

Here is a selection of print and ejournals available through the library. Click the "i" icon to quickly see if the journal is available in print or online
British Journal of Music Therapy
Available in print at the Fleischmann Library or as an ejournal. Login into your MTU account to view.
The British Journal of Music Therapy (BJMT) is a peer-reviewed journal for music therapists and other professionals interested in all aspects of music therapy. The BJMT publishes original articles or essays that have direct relevance to the field of music therapy. A variety of perspectives and approaches is encouraged.
Online Music Journal.
Open access journal for guitar
Journal of the Royal Musical Association
Online Journal. Login to your MTU account to access
The journal works to disseminate knowledge across the discipline and communicate specialist perspectives to a broad readership, while maintaining the highest scholarly standards.
Early Music History
Online Journal. Login to your MTU account to access
Early Music History is devoted to the study of music from the early Middle Ages to the end of the seventeenth century. It gives preference to studies pursuing interdisciplinary approaches and to those developing new methodological ideas.
Cambridge Opera Journal
Online Journal. Login to your MTU account to access.
Containing lively and provocative essays, Cambridge Opera Journal has a well-established reputation for publishing first-rate scholarship on opera in all its manifestations.
Nineteenth Century Music Review
Online Journal. Login to your MTU account to access. Nineteenth-Century Music Review locates music within all aspects of culture in the long nineteenth century (c.1789-1914), covering the widest possible range of methods, topics and concepts.
Use these databases to do a more focused search for journal articles that relate to your music topic. Click on the "i" icon to see a description for each database.
You can find a full list of library e-resources on the library's A-Z of Online Resources page.
The Listening Spot
Drop into the Listening Spot to listening our amazing vinyl and CD collection
Login in with your MTU login and password to access.
Medici.tv is recognized as the world’s leading classical music channel. Each year, they bring 150+ exceptional live performances from top artists and ensembles to passionate music fans worldwide. Their platform is home to the world’s largest video-on-demand catalogue in the classical music industry with over 4,000 concerts, operas, ballets, documentaries, master classes and jazz programs available to stream in HD.
Naxos Music
Please contact the staff at the Fleischmann Library for the user name and password to listen to the latest music at Naxos Music Library
Staff can be contacted at library.infocork@mtu.ie
Project Muse
Login with your MTU login and password to access.
Project MUSE promotes the creation and dissemination of essential humanities and social science resources through collaboration with libraries, publishers, and scholars worldwide.
RILM Music Encyclopedias
Login with your MTU login and password to access.
RILM Music Encyclopedias is a continually expanding curated full-text collection that currently comprises 69 titles published from 1775 to the present.
Here are some websites you may find useful. Remember to always check the quality and reliability of resources you find on websites.
Classical Music
Home of BBC Music Magazine - your guide to the world of classical music, downloads, interviews, news, podcasts and more.
Chopin Online
Chopin Online comprises three major resources dedicated to the music of Fryderyk Chopin and developed over two decades by John Rink, Christophe Grabowski and other experts working in collaboration with leading libraries and private collectors from around the world
Slipped Disc
Rated The No 1 Classical Music News Site
The Violin Channel
The Violin Channel, founded in Brisbane, Australia in 2009 by its CEO and Editor-in-Chief, Geoffrey John Davies, is now headquartered in New York City and continues to flourish as one of the most important platforms for classical music worldwide.

CSM Fleischmann Library’s dedicated audio space for students and staff to explore, listen, and enjoy 4500+ Vinyl records and 7500+ CDs across multiple music genres.
The main aim of The Listening Spot is to provide the music, equipment and environment to help CSM students improve as Listener-Players, by developing the keener ear that comes from regular, dedicated listening.
Below is just a small selection of the music available for you to listen to in the Listening Spot, search the MTU library catalogue for more
Find the Music you like
Explore the audio collections by clicking on this link MTU library catalogue and when you find the music you want simply ask for it at the issue desk!
Research Help
Need an idea? - Here are some suggested places to start:
Not sure how to develop your topic?
Referencing is an essential skill for academic writing. It is important to acknowledge the work of others to avoid plagiarism.
We recommend that you complete the following online tutorials from the MTU Library Assignment Toolkit to find out more about the importance of Referencing and understanding Plagiarism.
Students of this Subject normally use the MLA Referencing Style Please talk to your lecturer to confirm the recommended Referencing Style for your particular Subject.
Here is a link to our full list of Referencing Guides covering all of the most popular referencing styles. In this section, you'll also find information on Referencing Software.
Look for a peer-review limiter on your search results page.

How do I know if a journal is peer-reviewed?
- If you are searching a library database such as CINAHL, use the peer-reviewed limiter.
- Google the journal home page; this information is almost always located on the publisher's website.
- Ask a librarian for help.
Be careful, however! Not all articles within a peer-reviewed journal are peer-reviewed articles.
TIP: Peer-reviewed articles will have an abstract and a list of references.
Introducting MTU Libraries
Classical Music Subject Guide